Sun 13, Nov, 2022
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
650 S Griffin St
Dallas, Texas, 75202
United States

WHPC Poster Reception Attendees

Workshop - Diversifying the HPC Community and Engaging Allies

Women in HPC is once again pleased to announce our 12th Annual Supercomputing conference workshop discussing diversity and inclusivity topics. Activities will bring together women and male allies from across the international HPC community, provide opportunities to network, showcase the work of inspiring women, and discuss how we can all work towards improving the under-representation of women in supercomputing.

The need for greater diversity and inclusivity in the HPC community has continued to grow in importance amongst researchers, managers, institutions and companies alike. This workshop will recognize and discuss the challenges of improving the proportion of women in the HPC community, and is relevant for employers and employees throughout the supercomputing workforce who are interested in addressing diversity. Previous Women in HPC workshops at SC were great successes, with both in-person and online attendance exceeding with over 100 attendees, and our early career talks putting over 20-30 talented women’s work on showcase each year.

Sessions will focus on the following areas:

  • Surviving difficult events and how to minimize the impact on your career
  • Managing and resolving imposter syndrome
  • Building an effective professional network
  • How to get a new job or promotion
  • Behaviors for inclusion: coping strategies for unconscious bias and micro-aggression
  • Being a parent, guardian and caregiver: dealing with the guilt
  • Pointers on making and engaging male allies at workplace

The workshop will provide activities of interest to three particular groups:

  • Those responsible for hiring and recruiting staff that are interested in increasing diversity and retention of underrepresented groups in their organisation;
  • Early and mid career women working in HPC who wish to improve their career opportunities;
  • Diversity allies: those wishing to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture who want to learn and share tips and methods for bringing about cultural change.

The day will include presentations from early career women showcasing their HPC work in a lightning talks session, networking, and the opportunity to meet mentors and peers. We will include talks that will provide instructions for advocates and allies with strategies for improving workplace diversity, and becoming a part of the solution. We will also include a series of short talks on career focused topics, including: building and maintaining workplace resilience, best practices from organizations on improving workplace diversity and challenges and opportunities for women in entrepreneurship/venture capital. This will provide the attendees with tools on becoming a better leader in the workforce, effectively dealing with challenges at work, and managing work-life balance.

Provisional Agenda

Session One: Promoting the Visibility of Women in HPC
8:45 AM Welcome Committee Co-Chair

Mozhgan Kabiri Chimeh

Digital Experience

Wil Mayers, Alces Flight

9:00 – 10:00 AM “Mentor, Coach, Sponsor: What to ask for when” Distinguished Speaker

Trish Damkroger, HPE

10:00 – 10:30 AM Coffee + Comfort Break
10:30 – 11:30 AM
  • Effective Negotiation – Tips + Tricks to Land the Job That You Want
  • What is Diversity Tax?  Why underrepresented groups always pay extra in their careers.
  • Fostering an inclusive HPC environment: hard-graft or magic?
Invited Speakers

  • Kate Carter, ORNL
  • Cristin Merritt, Alces Flight
  • Alan Real, Durham University
11:30 – 12:00 PM Panel: How can we, as a community, better promote women and underrepresented groups in HPC? Panel Moderator

Elsa Gonsiorowski

11:50 – 12:00 PM Group Photo!
12:00 – 1:30 PM Lunch Break
Session Two: Early Career Speakers and Tools to Level Up Your Career and Personal Well Being Committee Co-Chair

Mozhgan Kabiri Chimeh

Digital Experience

Stu Franks, Alces Flight

1:30 – 2:00 PM Early Career Lightning Talks
  • Lishan Yang, George Mason University
  • Ke Fan, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Nesrine Khouzami, Technische Universität Dresden
  • Anjus George, ORNL
  • Cassandra Rocha Barbosa, Atos
  • Jean Sexton, Berkeley Lab
2:00 – 3:00 PM Interactive Networking Session Session Leader

Manisha Salve, ThinkParQ

3:00 – 3:30 PM Coffee + Comfort Break
3:30 – 5:00 PM
  • To have it all – How to not miss out without burning out
  • Mentoring to Help Overcome Imposter Syndrome
  • Work-Life Balance: It Takes a Village
  • TBC
Invited Speakers

  • Helena Liebelt, Deggendorf Institute of Technology
  • Jay Lofstead, Sandia National Labs
  • AJ Lauer, NCAR
  • Fernanda Foertter, Voltron Data
5:00 PM Final Remarks Committee Co-Chair

Gokcen Kestor

Invited Speakers, Panelists and Chairs

Early Career Speakers


The WHPC workshop at SC22 would not be possible without a dedicated team of volunteers.

SC22 Supporters

Our SC22 Events would not be possible without the following:
Anchor Supporters
Career Supporters
Diversity Supporter
Diversity Amplifiers
Media Supporters

Early Career Lightning Talks


A cornerstone of our workshop is inviting submissions from women to present on their work in HPC as a short lightning talk to our attendees. For those who are chosen to present, there will be the opportunity to meet with leaders and employers from across the HPC community at this workshop, giving you an opportunity to discuss your work with them.

Submissions for talks are invited as extended abstracts (up to 2 pages) in any area that utilizes High Performance Computing. Successful authors will be asked to provide a version of their work highlighting its goals, accomplishments and impact to present on no more than three slides. Authors are also expected to give a short lightning talk (3 minutes) at the workshop itself.

We are encouraging women who consider themselves to be ‘early career’ (i.e. still studying or within five years of graduation or transition into the field) to participate, however this opportunity is open to help everyone who feels they may benefit from presenting their work, irrespective of career stage.  As HPC is a large community which encompasses many different roles, we welcome both technical and non-technical contributors to submit about their work in order to broaden the knowledge of all those to attend our workshop.

  • Networking: build your HPC network, meet peers and potential employers.
  • Advice and mentoring: Receive expert advice and mentorship to help prepare for your presentation, including slides, how to structure a lightning talk for effective communication and how to make the most of the networking time afterwards.

Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasize the impact of the work such as the problem you are seeking to solve, the community benefits from investigating this work with or alongside of HPC, the computational resources and/or facilities used, any challenges noted and/or overcome, as well as any other challenges you wish to highlight.


Submission details are as follows:

  1. Author/presenter information (For all authors):
    • first and last name;
    • current institution(s);
    • short biography (max 250 words);
    • company/institution;
    • country; and
    • photograph for website publicity.
  2. Lightning talk information
    • Title;
    • Abstract (no more than 2 pages).
  3. Extended Abstract
    • Short extended abstract (up to 150 words)

Our successful applicants will have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a brief lightning talk. This will be followed by the coffee break where attendees will have the opportunity to discuss your work with you directly. Our speakers will also have the opportunity to work with a mentor to help polish their presentation.

There are three key areas we would like you to highlight in your lightning talk.  These are:

  • objectives of the work being discussed;
  • accomplishments so far;
  • goals of the work.

You will be asked to send us your slides in advance of the workshop.  Details to be made available on that process soon.


Please login to the SC Submissions site to commence your application.*

  • Select tab ‘Make a New Submission’
  • Search in the right column titled: ‘Workshops’
  • Scroll down or search for the submission site titled: ‘Women in HPC.’
  • Enter your abstract details and submit!

Have any questions for us?  Please contact info@womeninhpc.org.

Good luck and we hope to see you presenting in Dallas this November!


* Supercomputing (SC) submissions require an account in order to place your abstract in for consideration.  Once you create an account you can utilise this for any abstracts you wish to submit to this or any future Supercomputing (SC) conference.

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